che cosa ho imparato questo anno
Un saluto speciale a tutti i nostri amici con i quali abbiamo condiviso dei mesi speciali e che adesso stanno tornando a casa negli Stati Uniti.
Un bacione a tutti voi che partite.
E per noi che restiamo un ricordo di uno shabbat a casa di Gingy.
There are ten, ten constipated men in the Bible, in the Bible.
There are ten, ten constipated men in the Bible, in the B.I.B.L.E.
The first, first constipated men was Adam - he soiled the garden
The second, second constipated men was Cain - he wasn't Able
The third, third constipated men was Noah - he filled the ark
The fourth, fourth constipated men was Pharaoh - he wouldn't let it go
The fifth, fifth constipated men was Moses - he took two tablets
The sixth, sixth constipated men was Balaam - he couldn't move his ass
The seventh, seventh constipated men was David - he fought a giant
The eighth, eighth constipated men was Samson - he brought the house down
The ninth, ninth constipated men was Solomon - he sat for forty years
The tenth, tenth constipated men was Joshua - he blew the walls down
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